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The HypnoSubliminal™ Money Attractor was designed to bypass your conscious mind and re-program your mind to attract money into your life. Quantum Physics has proven that thoughts are things. Once your mind is reprogrammed to become a money attracting machine, money will suddenly start coming into your life. You'll have money coming in such abundance that you'll wonder where it's been your whole life!
This is Not Hocus Pocus Mumbo Jumbo. The HypnoSubliminal Money Attractor Utililizes Scientific Techniques Combining Subliminal Subconscious Programming, Hypnosis, Direct Suggestion and "The Secret" Law of Attraction!
The HypnoSubliminal™ session uses a series of subliminal techniques to ensure the desired messages and affirmations bypass your logical mind and reach your subconscious mind. One technique involves playing the subliminal messages at different frequencies and decibel levels than the foreground music making them virtually undetectable to your logical mind but completely detectable to your subconscious. Your ears won't pick up many of these messages but your subconscious mind definitely will. Neuro research suggests that different areas of the brain respond to different frequency patterns. The HypnoSubliminal™ session uses different frequencies to tap into different parts of the brain and appropriately reprogram the mind to be more effective!
"Your brain will be filled with the the thoughts that extremely successful people like Bill Gates and Warren Buffett already have. Your brain will become infused with the millionaire mindset and you'll begin to spontaneously attract money into your life."
THE HYNPOSUBLIMINAL UTILIZIES ALPHA AND THETA WAVES: BETA WAVES - 14Hz to 20Hz. Beta waves are associated with normal consciousness. They are present during every day activies. ALPHA WAVES - 8Hz to 13Hz. Alpha waves are likened to...
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